Frauen für Frauen in Belarus | Жаночая Акцыя Салідарнасці
Worldwide Solidarity Rallies for Women's Rallies in Belarus (
#FreeBelarusWomen #FreePoliticalPrisoners #Belarus
Mehr als 20 Länder auf der ganzen Welt haben am Sa., 10.10.20 die wöchentlichen Samstags-Frauendemos in Belarus unterstützt. Auch in Wien hat Demo „Frauen für Frauen in Belarus“ stattgefunden: am Ballhausplatz, beim Denkmal für die Verfolgten der NS-Militärjustiz.
У суботу 20.10.20 больш 20 краін свету падтрымалі штотыдневыя суботнія жаночыя маршы ў Беларусі.
Таксама ў цэнтры аўстрыйскай сталіцы горадзе Вена, каля Мемарыялу тым, хто пераследваўся нацысцкай сістэмай ваеннага правасуддзя, прайшла Жаночая Акцыя Салідарнасці з беларускамі.
Veranstalter | Арганізатары:
- Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich (
- Österreichischer Frauenring (
- AÖF - Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser (
- „Allianz Gewaltfrei leben“ - Verhinderung von Gewalt an Frauen und Kindern (
Unsere Forderungen | Нашы патрабаванні:
- NEIN zum Diktator Lukaschenko
- Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen
- Gerichtliche Verfolgung von Lukaschenko und seinen Komplizen für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit
Vertreterinnen österreichischer Frauenorganisationen schlossen sich der Aktion an und drückten ihre Unterstützung aus.
Прадстаўніцы аўстрыйскіх жаночых арганізацый далучыліся да Акцыі, выказаўшы словы падтрымкі беларускам. Сярод удзельнікаў былі:
1. Maria Rösslhumer, Geschäftsführerin des Vereins AÖF - Verein Autonome Frauenhäuse | Марыя Росльхумэр, кіраўніца аб’яднання “Аўтаномныя аўстрыйскія жаночыя прытулкі” („Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser“ - AÖF).
2. Klaudia Frieben, Vorsitzende des Österreichischen Frauenrings | Клаўдыя Фрыбен, старшыня Аўстрыйскага саюзу Жанчын (Österreichischer Frauenring).
3. Rosa Logar, Leiterin der Wiener Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt in der Familie, Mitglied der Allianz Gewaltfrei Leben | Роза Логар, кіраўніца Венскага цэнтру прадухілення гвалту ў сям’і (Wiener Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt in der Familie), сяброўка Альянсу за жыццё без гвалту ( Allianz Gewaltfrei Leben).
4. Nini Tsiklauri, Autorin und Gründerin der Pulse of Europe Vienna Initiative | Ніна Ціклаўры,аўтарка / пісьменніца, актывістка, заснавальніца Ініцыятывы “Пульс Еўропы” (Pulse of Europe)
Zitat aus der Rede v. Fr. Mag.a Rösslhumer, AÖF:
„- Wir sind daher heute hier, um gemeinsam mit den Frauen in Belarus für Freiheit und Demokratie zu kämpfen!
- Wir sind heute hier, um unsere Schwestern in Belarus zu unterstützen und zu stärken!
- Wir sind heute hier, um den Frauen zu zeigen, dass wir an sie denken und solidarisch an ihrer Seite stehen.
- Wir sind hier, um Frauen und Mädchen zu zeigen, dass sie nicht alleine sind, dass es außerhalb ihres Landes Verbündete gibt, die sie nicht im Stich lassen.
- Wir sind heute hier, um gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Kinder aufzurufen!
- Wir sind hier, weil wir Gewalt, Unterdrückung, Verbrechen und Terror nicht akzeptieren!
Wir fordern die europäischen und internationalen Gemeinschaften und alle Regierungen auf, den Druck auf Lukaschenko und seine Anhängern zu erhöhen, damit Diktatur ein Ende nimmt und dass Frieden einziehen kann.“
10.10.2020: Wien: Solidaritätsdemo „Frauen für Frauen in Belarus“ - YouTube:
Videobotschaft von Maryna Adamovich aus Belarus
Die Teilnehmer der Aktion konnten die Audiobotschaft von Maryna Adamovich Juristin & Aktivistin für ein demokratisches Belarus, anhören. Sie ist die Frau von Mikalai Statkevich Мікалай Статкевіч (Vorsitzender der sozialdemokratischen Partei Hramada Народная Грамада), der dieses Jahr (am 31.05.20) erneut vom Lukashenka hinter Gitter gesteckt wurde (Mikalai Statkevich — Political prisoners in Belarus (
"Bitte hört nicht auf!" - mit diesen Worten beendete Fr. Maryna Adamovich berührende und starke Rede in belarussischer Sprache
Удзельнікі Акцыі змаглі праслухаць аўдыязварот Марыны Адамовіч, юрысткі і актывісткі за дэмакратычную Беларусь, жонку Мікалая Статкевіча - старшыні сацыял-дэмакратычнай партыі “Грамада”, які зараз знаходзіцца за кратамі. “Прашу Вас, не спыняйцеся!” - з такімі словамі скончыла сваю кранальную і моцную прамову на беларускай мове Марына Адамовіч.
DE: Liebe Freundinnen! Liebe Landsleute! Liebe österreichische Frauen und Frauen aus der ganzen Welt, die heute und jeden Tag in ihren Städten auf die Straßen gehen, um den Kampf des belarussischen Volkes zu unterstützen und für Freiheit zu kämpfen!
Herzlichen Dank! Herzlichen Dank für eure Unterstützung, herzlichen Dank für eure Solidarität!
Ein besonderer Dank geht an meine wunderbare Landsleute in Österreich, wie auch weltweit, die Ihren absolut unglaublichen Wunsch zum Ausdruck gebracht haben, Ihre Heimat zu unterstützen. Bitte hört nicht auf. Danke Euch!
Ich, Maryna Adamovich, Frau von Mikalai Statkevich. Mein Mann ist Politiker, Vorsitzender der sozialdemokratischen Partei VolksGramada. Mein Mann hat sich mehr als 30 Jahre seines Lebens dafür engagiert, damit unser Land, Belarus, frei, unabhängig und demokratisch wird. Damit es Belarus überhaupt gibt. Er opferte seine sehr erfolgreiche politische und auch wissenschaftliche Karriere, um sein Leben unserem Land zu widmen, seiner wichtigsten, beliebtesten Frau – Belarus.
Mikalai hat immer davon geträumt und hat auch alles dafür getan, wie er es auch jetzt tut, dass Belarus wirklich ein lebenswertes Land wird. Damit sich ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger darin frei fühlen können. Dass auch die Menschen anderer Länder davon träumen können, Ihre Wünsche und Bedürfnisse in Belarus verwirklichen zu können. Wird man dafür ins Gefängnis gesteckt? Es scheint mir, dass in der ganzen Welt solche Bestrebungen nicht nur vom Volk, sondern auch vom Staat unterstützt werden. Überall, aber nicht in Belarus.
8 Jahre hat Mikalai hinter Gittern verbracht. Jetzt ist er wieder im Gefängnis. Seit 132 Tagen sitzt Mikalai hinter Gittern, nur weil er Belarus liebt. Hinter Gittern auch sind momentan fast 200 gute, würdige, ehrliche, mutige und anständige Leute, die die kriminelle Diktatur hinter Gittern nur deswegen hält, weil sie Belarus lieben und es frei sehen wollen… Wir sind heute mehr denn je nahe an der Verwirklichung seiner Träume. Wir beobachten jetzt die Geburt der belarussischen politischen Nation. Und es ist ein sehr schöner und würdiger Beginn.
Mikalai hat immer geglaubt und überall gesagt (und ich Teile seine Meinung vollständig), dass, wenn es eine Hoffnung gibt, werdet Ihr die Belarussen nicht mehr erkennen. Und jetzt sind wir überrascht, glücklich, stolz auf uns selbst, wir sehen uns auf einmal, wie wir in Wirklichkeit sind, die, die wir auch sein wollen. Und so wie wir in naher Zukunft auch sein werden.
Die kriminelle Macht der Diktatur versucht das zu verhindern, was nicht mehr zu verhindern ist. Die illegale Diktaturmacht versucht, das Land in Repressionen und Blut zu ertränken. Die kriminelle Diktatur versucht, einen Bürgerkrieg zu entfesseln. Sie verprügeln, verstümmeln und töten die Menschen. Sie werfen die Menschen hinter Gitter. Aber der Durst nach Freiheit ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten!
Die Belarussen auf der ganzen Welt, vielleicht sogar unerwartet für mich, haben sich zusammengetan, um mit Ihrer Heimat zusammen zu sein. Gemeinsam mit Landsleuten. Mit unglaublicher Freude und Dankbarkeit betrachte ich jedes Anzeichen der Solidarität. In verschiedenen Teilen der Welt -von Island bis Australien. Überall versuchen die Belarussen, Ihre Mutter, Ihre Heimat zu unterstützen.
Liebe Freundinnen! Liebe Freundinnen auf der ganzen Welt!
Hört nicht auf!
Performance "Red Silence"
Mit dabei war auch die Künstlerin Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki, die Autorin der Performance "Red Silence" RED Silence ( Mit ihrer Performance, die Teil der ONE BILLION RISING VIENNA! Bewegung ist, möchte die Künstlerin Solidarität mit den Frauen von Belarus zeigen.
Mitglieder der „Belarussischen Diaspora in Österreich“ und österreichischer Frauenorganisationen nahmen an der Aufführung teil und reflektierten die vom illegitimen Präsidenten Lukaschenko angeordnete Gewaltsituation gegen Frauen in Belarus. Auch um zu zeigen, dass Frauen stärker werden, indem sie sich zusammenschließen und gegenseitig unterstützen, um Aggression und Gewalt gemeinsam zu bekämpfen.
Wir sind keine Opfer mehr. Wir sind eine Kraft!
Die österreichische Hauptstadt hörte während der Aktion auch viele belarussische Lieder und Gedichte.
Таксама да Акцыі далучылася мастачка Аіко Казуко Куросакі (Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki), якая з’яўляецца аўтарам перфоманса “Чырвонае маўчанне” (Red Silence Performance). Сваім перфомансам мастачка хацела паказаць салідарнасць з жанчынамі Беларусі, які з’яўляецца часткай руху “Адзін мільярд уставання” (One Billion Rising). Прадстаўніцы Беларускай дыяспары ў Аўстрыі сталі ўдзельнікамі перфоманса, адлюстраваўшы сітуацыю, якая складваецца ў Беларусі ў дачыненні да жанчын па загадах нелегітымнага прэзідэнта Лукашэнкі. Паказаць, што жанчыны, аб’ядноўваючыся, падтрымліваючы адна адну, каб разам супрацьстаяць агрэсіі і гвалту, становяцца мацней.
Сярод нас няма больш ахвяраў. Мы - сіла!
Аўстрыйская сталіца пад час Акцыі пачула таксама шмат беларускіх песень. Сярод іх былі “Купалінка” і “Калыханка” на словы Г .Бураўкіна, якія разам спявалі ўдзельнікі мітынгу. Прадстаўніцы Беларускай дыяспары ў Аўстрыі чыталі вершы беларускіх паэтаў і выказвалі сваю салідарнасць беларускам.
Petition to the UN Security Council |
Петиция в Совет Безопасности ООН
Während der Aktion wurden alle Teilnehmer aufgefordert, eine Petition - ein Appell an den UN-Sicherheitsrat, zu unterzeichnen.
In der Petition fordern die Unterzeichnende den UN-Sicherheitsrat auf, eine Resolution zu verabschieden, in welcher ein internationales Strafgericht zur Untersuchung von Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Belarus beauftragt wird
Пад час Акцыі было прапанавана ўсім удзельнікам падпісаць Петыцыю, якая з’яўляецца своеасаблівым заклікам да Рады Бяспекі ААН. Петыцыяй мы просім унесці папраўкі ў Рэзалюцыю ў адносінах да сітуацыі ў Беларусі, каб мець магчымасць распачынаць працэс супраць Лукашэнкі і яго паплечнікаў, якія аддаюць антычалавечыя загады ў адносінах да мірных грамадзян у Беларусі.
Petition to the UN Security Council mit 59 Unterschriften wurde versendet per e-mail und mit der Post | Петиция в Совет Безопасности ООН c 59 подписями доставлена адресату по емайлу и по почте заказным письмом.
to the UN Security Council
Dear Sir and Madam,
We, Belarusians of the World and friends of Belarusian People, object that Alexander Lukashenko has ordered the mass suppression of peaceful protests and the use of brutal police force against the citizens of Belarus. We are convinced that Lukashenko and his regime is guilty of crimes against humanity since he personally authorized the atrocities that took place on the streets of Belarus, in jails and in detention centers since the presidential election on August 9th, 2020.
Since the late 1990s, a series of mysterious disappearances and sudden deaths of opposition leaders and pro-democracy activists have taken place in Belarus. Lukashenko repeatedly admitted that he personally ordered the repression of Belarusian people. Each presidential election was accompanied by the criminal prosecution of candidates or of potential candidates.
From the time leading up the presidential election in August 2020 and to this day, Alexander Lukashenko has repeatedly and openly stated that he is prepared to use physical oppression against the citizens of Belarus who demonstrate opposition to his government. Lukashenko and his regime have been and continue to be a threat to the lives of hundreds and thousands of innocent people.
The presidential elections held in the Republic of Belarus on August 9th, 2020 were the most obviously rigged elections in modern history. The ensuing peaceful protests throughout the country have continued to be brutally suppressed by the authorities.
The Lukashenko regime continues to use an unprecedented level of violence against Belarusians since the elections. From August 9th to September 10th, the following has been recorded (HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER "VESNA"*)
∙ about 15,000 arrests, detentions and abductions;
∙ more than 450 reports of torture to the OHCHR (UN), 1,800 reports of violence in domestic arrests and detentions, unknown number of unreported cases; many cases of rape perpetrated with rubber batons, electrocution, and other forms of physical and psychological torture
∙ about 200 seriously injured, including minors;
∙ three officially recognized deaths, two "suicides", and several missing persons who may also have been killed;
∙ more than 1000 people have been sent into exile, some of the citizens have been forcefully deported out of the Belarus by the regime;
∙ 77 political prisoners
The extent of arbitrary arrests, abductions and torture has far exceeded the capacity limits of the repressive regime. Even children, pregnant women and elderly people have not been spared.
Countless criminal complaints of torture have been filed but, to our knowledge, none have been examined. Therefore, the perpetrators seem confident that they will face prosecution for their criminal actions.
This situation has been confirmed by the statement of Mrs. Anais Marin, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, at the Arria Formula meeting at UN Security Council on 04.09.20.** In this Statement, Mrs. Marin also unambiguously indicated the possibility of a worsening of the situation in Belarus:
"In view of the seriousness of the facts reported, it is essential to recall that human rights violations are not an internal affair: they are of interest to the international community, all the more so when there is such a flagrant risk of escalating violence. When a government announces its readiness to use the army against its own citizens in peacetime, when it baselessly accuses its neighbors of interference and aggression, and when it is prepared to sacrifice the sovereignty of the country and the independence of its institutions in order to stay in place at all costs, it is international peace and security that are threatened."
The UN Security Council is entrusted with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. According to the UN Charter, it is empowered to “investigate any dispute or any situation that may lead to international friction or cause a dispute, to determine whether the continuation of this dispute or situation may threaten maintenance of international peace and security.”
For 26 years, the Lukashenko regime has used violence against its own people in order to maintain its absolute political power. The ICC is obliged to impute Lukashenko and high-ranking officials of Belarus with crimes against humanity, in particular torture (Article 7) and persecution (Article 7) of the Rome Statute). Such cases of crimes against humanity, as defined in the Rome Statute, include the disappearance of citizens (“the arrest, detention or abduction of people by a state or political organization").
Even though Belarus has not signed the Rome Statute and may not accept the jurisdiction of the ICC, the Rome Statute provides a legal option for countries that are not parties to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The prosecutor can initiate an investigation on the condition that a special appeal (resolution) is received from the UN Security Council. The commencement of an investigation by the ICC against Lukashenko and other Belarusian officials is possible only if the UN Security Council submits an application.
Since international peace is at stake, the UN Security Council must convene, as a matter of urgency, and act under Chapters VI and VII of the UN Charta. Also, the UN Human Rights Council must decisively act and intervene in this matter.
Belarus has long been in a state of periculum in mora ("danger in delay") since there is an imminent threat that the situation could become much worse.
We encourage the UN Security Council to show that it remains committed to its participation in a global fight to end the impunity of the Lukashenko regime with concrete action.
Based on the above stated, we respectfully ask you to:
1. adopt the relevant resolution by the UN Security Council to initiate a criminal investigation against former President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko and his accomplices in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
2. request that ICC should issue an immediate arrest warrant for Lukashenko and his accomplices for crimes against humanity.
Total: ………….. signatures
* Political prisoners in Belarus (
**Restructuring of sovereign debt: UN Expert stresses GA principles are binding | OHCHR
Жыве Беларусь! Zhyve Belarus! Viva Belarus!
in Media / Social Media:
10.10.20: Worldwide Solidarity Rallies for Women's Rallies in Belarus (
10.10.2020: Wien Mehr als 20 Länder auf der... - Valentina Karoliny | Facebook

14:00- 17:00
Ballhausplatz, 1010 Wien
SAMSTAG, 10. OKTOBER 2020 VON 14:00 BIS 17:00
Ballhausplatz, 1010 Wien
Veranstalter: „Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich“ & Verein AÖF „Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser“ Mag.a Maria Rösslhumer & „Allianz Gewaltfei leben“ & „Österreichischer Frauenring“
Picture „We’ll win“ by V. Tsesler
Women of the world! We, the women of Belarus, appeal to you for help.
Belarus is a country in central Europe, bordering Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. It is also known as the last dictatorship in Europe.
During the events following the rigged presidential election, when the government persecuted opposition leaders, brutally cracked down on peaceful protests and tortured demonstrators, Belarusian women had to take on the role of a peacekeeping force.
Protests against police violence were attended by thousands of Belarusian women, clad in white and holding flowers. They became known all over the world as #womeninwhite.
Our actions helped reduce the level of violence in the country for a time. However, Lukashenko and his helpers found us to be a significant threat to the regime. So, they increased pressure on women. Weekly Saturday Women's Marches for peace now result in mass detentions of up to 500 at a time.
Our women are forced to sign bogus protocols, routinely insulted, kept in cold cells in inhumane conditions. Mothers are threatened with the intervention of Child Protection Services and having their children taken away from their families. People are dismissed from jobs in state-owned firms and given hefty illegal fines.
State media is attempting to tar the reputation of the protesting women. State channels refer to us as alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, sheep, "breeding sows", who should "stay home and look after the family", "women who sleep with sweaty men" and similar terms. Would you believe such terms coming out of your TV at prime time? We find this to be completely unacceptable. We stand for peace and respect for human rights in our country.
Women's solidarity knows no bounds.
We ask all women around the world to stand with us in the struggle for human rights and dignity.
How can you support us?
March through the central streets/squares of your towns and cities on any Saturday. Wear white and bring flowers. Let the energy of our solidarity resonate all over the world!
If there is anyone left who still thinks that women cannot change anything - we will convince them otherwise!
Speeches by representatives of women's organizations in Austria and other countries
Online communication with the women's march in Minsk / videos of women from Belarus / Austria
Performance: RED Silence in Solidariät mit den Frauen in Belarus von und mit Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki in Kooperation mit OBRA - One Billion Rising Austria und „Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich“
The rally ends with a symbolic action of cutting the ribbons that tie the womens' hands
- Political posters of solidarity with the women of Belarus, demands for the release and full rehabilitation of political prisoners, an end to violence and human rights violations, non-recognition of Lukashenka's legitimacy.
- White / light dress code
- Elements of Belarusian solidarity: white clothes, white ribbons, white and red balloons, white flowers
- Your country: your national flags and symbols
- Safety: distance min. 1 meter, please have masks
During the rally, a petition will be signed to the UN Security Council.
Мы, жанчыны Беларусі, звяртаемся да сусветнай жаночай супольнасці з заклікам аб дапамозе.
Беларусь - краіна ў цэнтры Еўропы, якая мяжуе з Літвой, Латвіяй, Польшчай, Украінай і Расіяй. Таксама вядомая, як апошняя дыктатура ў Еўропе.
Апошняя выбарчая кампанія паказала, што жанчыны Беларусі былі вымушаныя заняць актыўную міратворчую пазіцыю пасля таго, як пачаліся пераследы народных лідэраў і бесчалавечныя падаўленні мірных акцый, катаванні мірных пратэстуючых.
Акцыі супраць гвалту, якія сабралі тысячы беларусак ў белым адзенні з кветкамі, сталі вядомыя на ўвесь свет. #womeninwhite
На нейкі час нам удалося панізіць градус гвалту ў краіне. Аднак Лукашэнка і яго асяроддзе, убачыўшы пагрозу свайму рэжыму ў асобах адважных беларусак, ўзмацнілі ціск на жанчын. Традыцыйныя суботнія жаночыя пратэсты заканчваюцца масавымі затрыманнямі да 500 чалавек.
На нашых жанчын складаюць ілжывыя пратаколы і ўтрымліваюць у камерах у нечалавечых умовах, абражаюць і пагражаюць маці забраць дзяцей з сям'і, звальняюць з працы з дзяржаўных устаноў, выпісваюць незаконныя штрафы і выкарыстоўваюць інструменты прапаганды на дзяржаўных каналах, каб усяляк ачарніць рэпутацыю жанчын, якія выступаюць за мір і шанаванне сваіх правоў.
Жаночая салідарнасць не мае межаў, і мы будзем рады, калі жанчыны ўсяго свету падтрымаюць нашу ініцыятыву ў барацьбе за свае правы і годнасць!
Як гэта зрабіць?
Выходзьце на цэнтральныя вуліцы / плошчы сваіх гарадоў у суботу ў белым з кветкамі. Хай ва ўсім свеце расквітнее энергія жаночай салідарнасці, і ўсе тыя, хто яшчэ думае, што жанчыны нічога не зменяць, пераканаюцца ў адваротным!
Выступления представителей женских организаций Австрии и других стран
Онлайн связь с женского марша в Минске / видообращения женщин из Беларуси / Австрии
Performance: Red Silence by Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki, Japan
(Описание идеи перформанса в интервью:
Митинг заканчивается символической акцией разрезания лент, которые связывают руки девушкам
- Политические плакаты солидарности с женщинами Беларуси, требованиями освобождения и полной реабилитации политических заключенных, прекращения насилия и нарушения прав человека, непризнания легитимности Лукашенко.
- Белый / светлый дресс-код
- Элементы Беларуской солидарности: белая одежда, белые ленты, белые и красные воздушные шары, белые цветы
- Ваша страна: ваши национальные флаги и символы
- Безопасность: дистанция мин. 1 метр, имейте маски
Во время митинга будет подписана петиция в Совет Безопасности ООН. Текст:
Жыве Беларусь! Zhyve Belarus! Viva Belarus!
Background links:
Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich / Belarusian Diaspora in Austria | Women of the world | Facebook